Would you like to broaden your tastes in wine, whilst always drinking something delicious?  

Would you like to have a regular delivery of wine to your home or place of work?

If the answer to these questions is “Yes” then read on!

We love introducing people to new wines and helping them to expand their tastes in wine.

We also believe in tailoring selections to suit not only tastes but also the quantity required and cost.

Put simply we want you to enjoy every bottle of wine that you have from us and we wish to make the process of buying our wines as easy as possible.

The advantages of choosing to take a regular wine order are as follows:

Free local delivery (on 12/18 bottles, £5 charge on 6 bottles)

Your choice as to the number of bottles delivered

Can be monthly or bi-monthly

Any un-opened wines not liked can be returned for a no quibble credit

You dictate the price bracket of the wines

Red/white percentage chosen by you

Relevant special offers taken advantage of

Good quality bin ends included where relevant

First to try new wines which fit your criteria

Preferred areas/countries of production taken into account

Offered wines to take you out of your comfort zone!

Two complimentary tickets for our summer/autumn tastings (only for monthly wine plan)

Payment can be by credit/debit card, cheque or BACS

Can specify a place for safe delivery

Download and fill in the form to start your new wine plan…

Please get in touch for more details